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Executive Committee Officers (one year TOS), effective 1 July 2024

Chapter President Mr. Carlos Pignato
Treasurer Mr. Dan Barnett
1st VP, NCO and Soldier Programs Mr. Ricky Young
2d VP, Memberships Vacant
VP, Secretary, Media and Communications Ms. Melissa House
Immediate Past President Mr. Steve Hesler


Board of Directors (three year TOS)

VP, Industry Day Mr. Bob Mahar
VP, Moore Night Mr. Steve Hesler
VP, Recruiting Command Mr. Tom Thornhill
VP, ROTC Mr. Tom Thornhill
VP, Community Partners Mr. Samuel Edwards
VP, Retiree Council Mr. Chris Kennedy
VP, Chamber of Commerce Mr. Ted Maciuba
VP, Leadership and Education Mr. Pete Jones
VP,  Family Programs Ms. Lynda Morgan
VP, Young Professionals Mr. Greg Bell
VP, Young Professionals Mr. Anthony Judge
VP, Leadership and Education Mr. Pat Donahoe
President Emeritus Mr. Rocky Kmiecik


Fort Moore Liaisons (nonvoting Board Members)

MCDID Liaison Mr. John Miller
Armor School Liaison Mr. George Desario
Infantry School Liaison Mr. Gary Fox